Andrew Carpenter
Independent Consultant and #ActuallyAutistic trainer.
Autism Lead (Senior Manager), NHS England, London Region.
Previously Dementia Programme Lead, Autism Lead and Programme Manager for Accessibility and Inclusion with Westminster and RBKC Councils (known as The Bi-Borough). I sat on the Clinical Leadership Group (CLG) for Dementia in London.
I co-Chaired the Disabled Staff Network (ABLE) for Westminster Council.
Trustee and Chair of the Governance Sub-Committee for Disability Action Haringey.
Twitter - @NBNLondonRegion
(NB I no longer offer training on Support Brokerage. Information about the National Brokerage Network can be found below.)
What I can offer
Outside of my job role, I offer independent training and consultancy on:
- Autism
- Adapting therapeutic approaches and practice for autistic people
- Personalisation, Social Prescribing and support planning
- Dementia
- Transformation and change
- Co-production
- Accessibility and Inclusion - disability
As of July 2021, I am Autism Programme Development Lead for NHS London, developing and writing the regional Autism Strategy.
After sixteen years of representing the National Brokerage Network for London, I changed my career path in 2019. I became a senior manager in Adult Social Care commissioning for Westminster City Council and the Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea (known as the Bi-borough). Until June 2020, I was the Lead Programme Manager for Dementia, Autism, and Accessibility and Inclusion.
I delivered a co-produced Dementia Strategy and left behind a legacy of services for autistic people in North-West London that had not existed before, and a new, progressive understanding of the needs of this cohort. This included setting up the first Dynamic Support Register for autistic people without a learning disability in the boroughs and ensuring that policies and procedures on autism extended into mental health teams. I was an instrumental part of the creation of new autism specific roles on mental health wards, acknowledging the high numbers of autistic people using services and the necessary adaptations and accommodations.
I also ran Westminsters new Accessibility Board and co-Chaired the ABLE staff network, bringing in the first Disability and Reasonable Adjustments Policy, and helping to close the disability pay gap.
I remain as Londons Public Champion for Personalised Care and Social Prescribing with NHS England, the Healthy London Partnership and the GLA.
I have delivered training to over 2,000 people and have teaching qualifications. Outside of the public sector, I have delivered autism training to large companies, such as
I remain as Londons Public Champion for Personalised Care and Social Prescribing with NHS England, the Healthy London Partnership and the GLA. I am a Peer Leader in the London region with NHS England, and sit on the Personalised Care Advisory Group.
I am an experienced Director/Trustee. I am a Trustee of the local user-led organisation Disability Action Haringey, where I am Chair of the Governance Sub-Committee, responsible for policy and procedures. I was previously Vice Chair of a learning disability and mental health provider, HAIL, in Haringey and Wandsworth and of Imagineer in Halifax.
National Brokerage Network
The National Brokerage Network is now known as the Support Brokerage Network and remains alive and well. For all related enquiries, please click on the following link - Support Brokerage Network
Rates are competitive and will depend on the work involved.